Psalm 118:17

I will not die, but live, and will proclaim what the Lord has done.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

I will be leaving tomorrow evening for Texas again. I will have treatment on Thursday at 10:00 and fly home Friday morning. Please pray for a safe trip and that all goes well with my treatment. Ian will be at home with the kids. Parker does not want me to leave him again. He keeps asking me if I like to leave him. Hopefully he will understand better after this trip that they won't be as long each time. I keep telling him only two days, but he doesn't really get the concept of time. He just says it's alot of hours. I will post after treatment and let you know how everything went.


  1. Kelly, my thoughts and prays are with as you continue on your journey. I don't know if it will get easier, but i know your strength
    and faith will carry you through. Just remember
    when you feel you can't, God is there carrying you.We miss you. Pat

  2. Praying continuously! I will concentrate on Parker prayers today. Luckily kids have the ability to change their focus quickly. I'm sure Ian will keep him occupied and he'll get distracted. You'll be home before he knows it!! :-) Hope you guys have arrived safely by now and your treatment goes well tomorrow. Love you!!

  3. always:) LOVE YOU!!

  4. Kelly...
    We miss you already. I am hoping for your 7.4 ph really soon...Stay strict with that diet. Hold you nose and down that wheat grass. Oh my !!! You will get a chuckle out of this ....I did not realize that I had to click at the bottom for a newer post. I kept wondering why Keri read different news from you. than I found...still trying to catch up with this tech stuff...I am more caught up now.
